Site Policy

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Link Policy

As a rule, you are free to link to content originating from this website; however, we request that you notify us when setting up a link. We recommend that you link to the website’s top page, as linking to pages within the website may result in loss of necessary usage notices or faulty page display. Please note that we prohibit links that go directly to images or terminal files as well as links in which a page of this website is displayed within a frame of the source (i.e., so that it appears to be part of the website displaying the link, is displayed together with advertising, etc.).


Unless otherwise attributed, the copyrights for all text, images and illustrations, data, and other content appearing in this website belong to GENKAICHO Next Generation Energy Park. Use of said content for commercial purposes is prohibited. However, content may be used freely for non-commercial purposes (e.g., for educational or instructional purposes) provided that credit* is attributed to this website. (Please do not modify or alter images, etc.)
Please be aware that use of content from this website does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by GENKAICHO Next Generation Energy Park for the activities of any specific individual or organization.
We would appreciate receiving any items (e.g., a sample, portion of a published item containing content, etc.) that result from the use of images or other content from this website whenever possible. (If sending an item by post, please send it to the Public Relations Office, GENKAI Next Generation Park.)

* Attributing credit (examples)
In English : "© Genkaicho Next Generation Energy Park (Asupia)"
In Japanese : "提供: 玄海町次世代エネルギーパーク" or "玄海町次世代エネルギーパーク 提供" (or if space is restricted, "©玄海町次世代エネルギーパーク").